Tuesday, March 18, 2025

A deleted YouTube comment about Steven Alonzo and his books

 I tried posting this comment on a video of a discussion between Will Duffy and Steven Alonzo, but it instantly vanishes, so I'm putting it here.

Here's a funny thing about his books.  On his "Flight to Truth: A Pilot's Journey to Flat Earth" book on Amazon, if you click on the author's name, you only find that same book and these:

  • Covid Calisthenics: Nutrition and Calisthenics for the SarsCov2
  • Flat Earth Science Textbook: Flat Earth University Undergraduate Student Handbook
  • Immortality of the Soul: Egregores, Resets, Self-Initiation, Scripted Reality, Fake Events, NPCs, Reincarnation, and Inner Knowing
  • The Ghosts of Chad's Past (which is about a woman "haunted by the spirits of her unborn children")

But if you type his name into the Amazon search bar, you also find more books by "Steven Alonzo (they/them)"

  • The All-Encompassing Intersection: Unveiling Layers of Oppression in Everyday Life: Encyclopedia of Woke
  • The Bun in His Oven: A Tale of Male Maternity: A Social Construct Deconstructed
  • Crossing Cultures: Embracing Identity

It wasn't clear that this was the same Alonzo as the fake professor/pilot/flerf but I'm glad he's made it clear that it is.

I also found these, either by a different Steven Alonzo, or that headshot of a heavier man are pre-covid-calisthenics.


The search also turns up books by Alonzo Stevens, Steven Alonzo Preston, Harvey Alonzo Stevens, but those may actually be separate people. 

Monday, January 20, 2025

What does a flat-earther say?

Mark Hays - Special Ed

Kirk Simmons - So the globe theory is truly dead?

Michael Baker - Don't let your mental illness stop you from telling us why you believe men landed on the moon

Stephanie Thailand (aka Jaye Grant, Matteo Espinoza, Leanne Rose, Elizabeth Carlin, Kristen Taylor, Jennifer Leigh, Callie Olsen, Lisa Owen, Larissa Anne, Chris Campos, Alisio Viejo.  The Jennifer account became Stephanie and the Kristen one was renamed as Elizabeth and then to Callie.  Matteo used to be called Michael something, and now is Lisa, Larissa is now Alisio) - bye, blocked, or just turns off comments, deletes posts and comments.  Also refers to fictitious content, but refuses to link to it or to say how to find it.  

On Jan 27, 2025, Jaye posted this list of aliases but some of them don't turn up in any flat-earth groups.  Maybe they're accounts she's holding in reserve, or just disinformation: 

There's also Collin Barstow, now Dana Prather who might be the same person as the above.

Simon Ramos (aka Johnny Chingas, Tuntun Tintan) - globus, Catholic

Jose Ramirez (aka Joe Ramirez, Josef Ramirez, Jose Ramirez) - whichever of them is posting tags the other three sock accounts)

While we're on the subject of flerfs and sock accounts, look at this guy

The Dark side of Flat Earth - Globe debunked daily (to which Alfies bed time storys  replies "GREAT POST MAN ..."

Thursday, May 23, 2024

An Apollo Meme is a joke, not the one its author intended

 This has been shared over 250 times on Facebook - that was some months ago and I'm not counting again. 

Let's start with the image - it couldn't have been taken in space, as all the Apollo astronauts were inside the spacecraft when the Command and Service Module was docked with the Lunar Module in lunar orbit.  So it must be a model, and so it is, from the LEGO IDEAS site.

But what about the "one tank of gas and oxygen"?  First, let's give the memester some credit for not asking how Apollo burned fuel in the vacuum of space.  The various engines and reaction control systems used oxidizers, either liquid oxygen or nitrogen tetroxide.  And how much fuel did the mission carry?  See this video for more information than you thought you were asking for

As usual, this meme shows that while flat-earthers tell you to engage in research, that's something they don't do themselves

Friday, May 17, 2024

Flat Earth and Numismatics

In the last few days (but see note at end), I've seen endless posts in flat-earth groups showing this coin, often misidentified as being Italian.  It's from the Republic of San Marino, the fifth-smallest country in the world, and while it is entirely surrounded by Italy, it's a separate country.   Before both countries changed their currency to the Euro, the Sammarinese lira had the same value as the Italian.

The would also sometimes show a screenshot of a page about this coin, that explained that this shows "Model of flat earth, three stars shining above, value and date below".  A screenshot, not a link, because if you visited the page, you'd see that on the obverse (front) of the coin is

Sometimes they would insist that's not a globe, but we'd show them that the same site described the reverse of the next coin in the series as "Spherical earth as seen from moon".

The series is called Toward the third millennium - Man & the exploration of his world, all of the coins have the same image on the obverse, and the coins in it would have something old on the reverse of one, and something new on the next.

The 50 Lire coin shows a sailboat, the 100 a submarine under the Arctic ice-cap


The 200 Lire has Stonehenge beneath stars and the 500 the surface of the Moon, radio waves, and Saturn

The 1000 Lire coin has a human profile, the North star, waves of Mediterranean and Nile delta and a wind rose, the 5000 a map of Europe and North Africa, the solar system, and an antenna dish in a human mind

Note: while this has really taken off recently, I found a few posts about this from nearly a year ago, I think this is the earliest.  And then I found this one from 2021

Saturday, January 06, 2024

Another illlustration claimed to be real

 Flat-earther David Rogers has been posting the image below, claiming that NASA posted an impossible photo of the near side of the Moon facing away from Earth

However, it's cropped from an illustration

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

A suspicious photo

This photo has been making its way around Facebook recently with descriptions like "The Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and in the background the silhouette of the moon. Photo taken from the international space station"

But there's never a source posted.  One should always find out if a photo has been presented as real by a reputable source before spending time defending it.  For example, this photo, is found on NASA's site and shows much less Earth curvature and a much smaller Moon.

Older copies turn up on social meda, but never have a source (except for other social media).  For example, here's one on Pinterest that links to Taringa, where there's no info about where it came from.

I also found a few articles, in both English and Spanish, containing this image. These sites look like the sort that have cheaply (or perhaps automatically) generated content.  Top photos of Earth from the International Space Station, The best photos of Earth from the International Space Station, Las mejores fotos de la Tierra desde la Estación Espacial Internacional all credit this photo to "NASA / DegreaseNeil"

This Reddit thread includes a comment that says that "DegreaseNeil" was a fan account in Twitter, the link there goes to a now-deleted account. But no links to either source.  But there's a hashtag #DegreaseNeil at Twitter that contains some more info.

In short, always insist on a link to a NASA website.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Simulated video is simulated

Flerfs are posting incredulously about a spacewalk video.  But the video has never been presented as anything but a simulation.

The edited video is on TikTok.  Here's a screenshot.

It wasn't hard to find an unedited version, it was broadcast during the spacewalk of Gemini 9 but was clearly identified in both audio and periodic captions as being a simulation.

Here's a screenshot from the video showing the simulation caption

And here's another, showing the same scene in the TikTok thumbnail

When this is pointed out to them, they reply along the lines of "all photos and videos from space are simulations" but don't even to provide any evidence of that.