Tuesday, December 27, 2022

What flat-earthers believe in place of gravity

 1. The Earth is accelerating upward at a constant 9.8 m/s²

This claim was made by The Flat Earth Society (I haven't found a source for this).  Flerfs get very angry about this explanation and typically say things like "The Flat Earth Society is controlled opposition".  I suppose this means that they think that the FES is trying to deliberately make flat earth look ridiculous, as if it needs help.  

A typical criticism of this claim by debunkers is, if this were true, Earth would have long ago exceeded the speed of light, but this is mistaken - length contraction and time dilation would prevent an constantly accelerating body from reaching c

2. Electromagnetism

This usually involves a large amount of handwaving and word salad, and still fails to explain why electromagnetism both attracts and repels, but gravity only attracts, and why a Faraday cage can block EM but not gravity.  But flerfs don't deny gravity because they want flying cars, they deny it because gravity tends to make planetary-sized objects roughly spherical, explains why water isn't flung into space like a spinning wet tennis ball, and why the atmosphere doesn't need a dome to keep it contained.  So if EM is why we aren't floating, why wouldn't it also make big masses spherical and keep water and air on them?

3. "Density and Buoyancy"

Flerfs will repeatedly mock gravity, saying that if it was real, it would cause objects to "stick" to Earth, but and post photos of oranges in water, or metal floating in liquid mercury.

They ignore that buoyancy requires gravity.  Repeat these experiments in zero-gravity, and buoyancy vanishes.  And one doesn't need to go into orbit or even an airplane simulating weightlessness.  Just dropping something off a building will suffice.  It's probably safer to try that with the two oranges than an anvil and mercury

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Fisking "Planet Flat Earth | 2020 Documentary II"

A flerf on Facebook offered to share a video, "And whoever want a flat earth documentary i will share. We dont share it openly on YouTube is because it get deleted due to the monopoly of nasa as they dont want ppl to know truth."

So I asked, "is it better in some way then the FE videos that are available on YouTube?" and he replied "it made me a flat earther. I used to moke them. Sending you in messenger" - note, he never sent it to me.  I neglected to ask him if he used to mock FE videos, make them, or smoke them.

Well that didn't answer my question, so I tried to clarify and asked him for ".. what other FE videos, et al, you previously saw but were not convinced by and what about this one you found more persuasive.  His response, "this one you cannot find by search. Its a private link."

So I asked him if it was being unsearchable that made it persuasive, and he said "the facts in make it convincing".  When I asked him what facts those were, he said "you should just watch it and you’ll know. I dont wanna give spoilers" which in flerf means "I don't want to defend this steaming load, I just want to increase the view count"

But he posted a screenshot somewhere else in this very long comment thread.  This group rejects links in posts, I also couldn't post videos by They Might Be Giants there.
Well let's see how hard it is to find.  I typed the title into the YouTube search bar, and there it was, the first result.

So let's get down to it, here's the video if that was too hard to do yourself.  And remember, is BIG secret!

It opens with a clip from a Hibbeler productions video, sounds like Eric Dubay/Dubaz droning that "it is flat as far as we can tell" motionless, too.  Is this Level or a different Hibblefest?  He cherry-picks photos that don't show the curve, ignoring those that do.  He also repeats the chestnut about the horizon rising to eye level, only this time it's the eye of the camera.  No, that's just where you're looking or pointing the camera. 

A different voice says that everything from NASA is fake.  They like to harp on NASA, ignoring that we have known the Earth is a sphere for millennia before NASA was founded in 1958.  The voice asks that NASA point the Hubble telescope at Earth, ignoring other probes that were designed to do just that,   Complains that the 2002 Blue Marble has the same clouds more than once, something NASA does not attempt to hide.  This is what flerfs do, this one image is photoshopped, therefore everything is.

This is all standard flerf propaganda, nothing new hear, I'm going to move faster.  The crock about "eight inches per mile squared".  "Longest bridge in the world"  A clip from "Men in Black".  Horizon is flat.  Experiments (unnamed) show no rotation

You can't see Japan from California because the air is too thick.  The endlessly repeated dramatic music is getting to me, enough kettle drums, I'm muting and just going to look at the subtitles from now on.

Bill Nye on watching a boat disappear over the horizon.  Claim that this is due to "perspective"  "Bringing back" a boat that hasn't gone over the horizon yet.

Flerfs sweem to watch much more Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson than any other sector of the viewing public, and in the next clip, sound-bites from Neil.  Flerfs love to quote him saying the Earth is wider at the Equator and then show an image from space, ignoring that the widening is very small.  It's 12,756 km at the Equator and 12,725 at the poles, but flerfs have stopped listening by now, because numbers are involved.  The clip even quotes Neil saying "slightly".  Same derp about "pear shaped".

A flerf saying "we don't know shee-it".  Well yeah, they don't.  A video of a camera attempting to auto-focus on a planet or star.  "How the fuck did you figure out ..." I call this phenomenon "flerfsonal incredulity"

Stars should do "strange motions" but move in circles.  Someone ranting about a frozen moon whose name he can't remember.

"Local sun". "Do you really think the sun is going down?"  Salt flats

Chicago seen from "across the Great Lakes" (they couldn't be bothered to look at a map and see which one Chicago is on?) ignoring how the bottom is hidden by the curve of the Earth.

Clip from TV news saying it's a mirage, their intelligent response is a big red button labeled "BULLSHIT".  Great refutation, as always.

Back to the repeated clouds in photos of the Earth.  And someone saw "sex" in the clouds.  And the continents are different sizes!  Tens of thousands of satellites, animation that makes them look much larger than they are, just like Manhattan is completely covered in Starbucks, so much so that they have apparently merged. 

There are no close-ups of Earth (and I suppose they want to see the whole thing at once, too) or upside-down buildings in Australia. 

OK, 18 minutes into an hour and 6 minutes, I give up, this is the same old same old.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

For What it's Worth(less)

Pareidolia strikes deep
Into your feed it will creep
It starts when you listen to flerfs
Ask for proof, memes come and drown you in derp

Monday, October 31, 2022

Depictions of flat earth

Someone at a bar last night asked me what flat earthers think the Earth looks like.  It took me a while to find examples, so I am collecting them here for the next time.  I also hope no one who overheard the conversation thinks we were serious.

Let's start with these two.  Here's one without a dome, and one with.  They usually have a dome over the pizza, because they both believe that if there was no dome, the vacuum of space would suck all the air away, and also that there's no space, there's just the "upper waters" above the dome.  It's hard to tell if this is a disagreement ('It is difficult with these evil folk to know when they are in league, and when they are cheating one another.') or cognitive dissonance.  Can you have that without cognition?

Those images didn't line up, but I don't care.  Now here are two from the 19th century.  This one by Orlando Ferguson in 1893 is from the Wikipedia entry on Flat Earth.  

And then there's the Alexander Gleason map

They may claim that the logo of The United Nations is a flat-earth map, when it's just a polar projection

Now there are some versions with more seas and land. There's the supposed map found in a temple in Japan.  Click on the link for more information about this hoax (TODO mention some of it here)

There are a few more recent versions showing concentric rings.  Sometimes the features are given names and there may be extra suns and moons shown.  The first image below is of course constantly circulated by flat-earthers but comes from DeviantArt, where the creator (not a flerf) wrote that he based it on the second (probably by one).  Here's a link to that.  Nothing is known about who drew the other ones, but they don't look like the one supposedly found in Japan.

Flerfs will sometimes say that Admiral Byrd reported that when he got to the South Pole, he saw "an area as big as the United States, that’s never been seen by a human being. And that’s beyond the pole, on the other side of the south pole" but that's just the other side of Antarctica, the area of the outer rings of these maps are many times larger than the area of the USA.

TODO Mention the scene in Beyond the Curve, maybe a screenshot with the physical model.

A parody version:

And there's a old map (1623), a combination of lands known by exploration, but also showing guesswork, that puts more land near the North Pole. Flerfs will sometimes claim that just like the Antarctica Treaty forbids people from visiting Antarctica (it doesn't) there is also an unspecified reason people can't visit the Arctic

Finally, there's the idea of a very large Earth covered mostly in ice, with puddles, one of which is our Earth.  Sometimes it's a large ball, other times it's flat.  Where any of this comes from is also unknown.  TODO see if it's possible to find out who invented this and write something about domes.

A variation on the huge sphere, but just an ice ring, says (according to Google Translate) "The planet Gaia is bigger than we all think. The topsoil is an area protected with a pom (it probably misread 'Dom', meaning dome) and an ice wall. (please see the area in the North Pole of Gaia in the picture)... See more" but we can't see more as it was posted without a link.

Searching for the German text, I found a post on Telegram where I was able to see the rest (and I was right about Dom) "The sun and moon are located within this 3D created artificial matrix. The Darkness has separated Mother Earth from all other areas of Gaia for over 320,000 years. Since then, we have lived together and separated in this area. We were explicitly separated and isolated from all other areas and their residents. The coming ascension will bring Mother Earth out of this isolation. The protective dome and the ice wall will collapse. Thousands of areas of Gaia will be accessible. A new era will totally change the future of all humanity."

A French version adds some labels and measurements and says (Google Translate, again) "we live on the continent Earth, on the summit of Gaia.   Like it or not, the truth will come out. Only a matter of time." and "The great Gaia, With our earth hovering above The continents of great Gaia are fictitious."

And then there's this.  It seems to be an attempt to claim that the features on the Moon reflect (poorly) the continents, including some made-up ones.  It gets distributed with word-soup like "The moon is a focused electromagnetic phenomenon, called plasma. Cosmic electromagnetic energy comes below from the flat and stationary plane, going above. The inner reflection of this electromagnetic energy on 
this field's ceiling, turns it back down, creating a focus spot point in a semi aetherial environment. 
At this spot, there is fluorescence of the aether because of the focused cosmic electromagnetic energy. The spot that is created is the moon.(4th state of matter as specified publicly by the american
astrophysical professor Among R Foster in 1965) In this way, the Moon reveals to us the large part of the terrestrial and oceanic surface and with these natural characteristics serves as a natural map of Earth." 

I recently found this, which was claimed to be from a higher resolution copy.  It's at the bottom of the map, in the part outside the actual map of the continents.

And here is a higher resolution version.  The area to the north the supposed Nazi UFO base is called New Schwabenland and has a second swastika on it.  There is an actual region of Antarctica the Nazis claimed and gave this name to.  The text still isn't clear enough for Google Lens to decode, or maybe the handwriting confuses it, but there seems to be a quote from the Book of Enoch, a diagram of the solar system, and an attempt to explain phases of the Moon.

I found screenshots of what may be an even clearer copy that someone was able to get a OCR/translator to almost understand.

Here's a version I found in a number of Facebook flat-earth groups.  Aside from the added circles and arrows (without explation) it was also cropped to remove the swastikas.

Places it was posted are: Flat Earth UnitedFlat Earth, two more groups with the same name,  Flat Earth MEMEs, and Flat Earth Greece
And then there's this, from a YouTube and Instagram channel that goes by the name Nos Confunden ("they confus us" in Spanish according to Google Translate).  It is reportedly the work of Claudio Nocelli, the author of "TERRA-INFINITA, Extraterrestrial Worlds and Their Civilizations: The Story told by the Woman Who Was Born in the Lands Behind the Ice Walls" (May 2022, link to Goodreads) where he seems to have based it on Helen Morris and her father William Morris, who got the info from an unnamed "giant". There seems to be something on this channel claiming they, too, are from beyond the "ice wall", or perhaps Helen was born while her father was exploring. I don't know when this is alleged to have taken place, or how they got past the ice wall, or whether it was before or after the penguins began to guard it.

A flat-earther, looking at any of these, will probably insist "that's not what we believe" but when asked what they (singular or flat-earthers in general) will not respond with a map.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Fisking a flat-earth meme

 I found this meme in two groups yesterday, by the same poster.  I didn't check to see if he posted it in more places.  Below is my response.

How to tell someone else has learned all their science from YouTube (even though that if they looked, they would also find videos explaining this there, too.

* They can't predict what the effects of Earth's rotation would be but they repeat "1000 MPH" instead of plugging that into the the formula for centripetal acceleration together with the radius of the Earth.

* They refuse not only to believe other's measurements of curvature, but refuse to try to measure it themselves. They will probably use an incorrect formula for how far an observer can see which does not take into account the height of the observer or observee. They may ignore that they cannot see the bottom of the observee. Or claim that a telescope can "bring it back".

* They use "perspective" as an all-purpose answer without knowing what it means.

* They don't understand aviation

* They don't understand how the distance to the Sun was measured. They certainly haven't tried to do it themselves. When asked how far it is, they will either refuse to commit to anything other than "local". They may show photos of crepuscular rays through clouds or ones that they claim show the Sun lower than clouds.

* They dismiss all photos from space are fake, whether from NASA or another source without explanation. They don't understand photography.

* The proofs have gone over their head, instead of asking for help to understand them (which they don't want, because their minds are already made up) they just say "no proof"

And one more:

* They respond with claims that anyone who disagrees with them is "indoctrinated", insults, meme dumps, laugh emojis, or simply don't respond.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Fisking "Flat Earth NASA are Liars part 1"

 Another day, another video by a flerf.  This one was sent to me by someone who posts on Facebook under the name Sean Angelo Mchugh.  Its name shows up on Facebook as "Nasatan exposed part 1". He also sent me a part 2, which may get its own post, and added "They are my videos so they don’t give opinions rather just raw facts" and went on to say that these facts are "all referenced".

Let's start by seeing if these are his videos.  I didn't find any photos of him, just memes on his Facebook profile, but his About page on Facebook says that he works at ARTSTOPSeany and Sean Angelo Mchugh artist and both of those have photos of possibly the same person

The YouTube channel the video is on is called CUBESMASHER and the description on the channel's About page says "Exposing the lies of the luciferian Freemasons".  There's no name, but the person speaking in the video is on screen most of the time, and this does seem to be the same person.

And this also appears to be the same person in this article, Artist Sean Angelo McHugh vows to clear his name after being charged with historic child sex abuse but since we're not meeting him in person, let's leave that for the courts to decide.

This is not the former American football player Sean McHugh or the accused US Capitol rioter, whose trial seems to be ongoing, I found details about him in Inside the Statutory Rape Conviction and Domestic Violence History of the Accused U.S. Capitol Rioter Who Taunted Cops as ‘Protecting Pedophiles’ and California Man Accused of Unleashing Can of Bear Spray on Cops Loses Bid to Move Jan. 6 Case from D.C. to Wolverine State

But back to Sean the flat-earther.  Let's watch his video.

As I write this it's got ten likes and 377 views, so maybe all he wanted from me is  more views.  He's "absolutely gobsmacked" that anyone would believe NASA, who, he says have been repeatedly proven liars.  On the screen is a quote from Albert Pike having something to do with Freemasonry.  According to Wikipedia, Pike wrote a book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871.  Flat-earthers and conspiracy theorists of all sorts often display a great deal of paranoia about Freemasons, I don't know why.

Anyway, he's got a quote that drones on for a while, but I think can be summed up in saying that high-ranking Freemasons are supposed to believe that Lucifer is god, but not tell the lower ranks.  It's not found in the copy of the book at Project Gutenberg, however.  His copy seems to come from Amazing Discoveries which looks like a site of more conspiracy theorists with a section on Prophecy News.

He moves on to Wernher von Braun.  There's a photo of von Braun with Walt Disney, another 33rd degree Mason.  Is that the only evidence he's bringing of either of them being Freemasons, that they are standing together?  The photo is from when they met about Disney films on space exploration.  Or is it that von Braun was a Nazi, Nazism is Satanism, Satanism is Freemasonry? 

In an aside he says that we "lost the technology" to go back to the Moon.  This is a standard flerf misinterpretation, we no longer build the rockets and spacecraft used in the Apollo missions.  They think it's suspicious somehow.   There's more technology on a phone today, he says - yes, but there's no Saturn V rocket at the bottom of it.  He runs the clip of astronaut Don Petit saying "I'd go to the Moon in a nanosecond.  The problem is we don't have the technology to do that anymore".  As ever, flerfs suddenly trust NASA (remember the title of this video, NASA are liars?) when they say something they like. This is stuff I've seen in endless flerf videos, it's been dealt with.  He changes the color and slows down Petit's voice as if that demonstrates anything.

Now he's back to von Braun and Disney, who he says are connected to Aleister Crowley.  A quote from Gregory Garett says that Crowley, in addition to those two, was a member of "the NASA Dream Team".  This should be good, seeing how Crowley died in 1947 and NASA was founded in 1958.  There's a very small photo of the cover of a book in which it seems Garett wrote this, but it's too small to read.

He goes on to talk about Crowley and bands, The Beatles, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin.  Loads of them, all satanic.  He's done a previous video about that.  Is Paul still dead?  He doesn't say people are satanists if they aren't, it's all researched.

Oh wait, I figured out what this guy is doing, he's got a blurb about that book that mentions Crowley, but doesn't say he was a member of NASA.  Is he saying he is?  Or that someone else had some connection to him?  I think this and all the other blurbs are part of Google search results. 

Now he's talking about Jack Parsons, who was kicked out of Jet Propulsion Labs in 1944 due to following Crowley.  And Parsons died in 1952, six years before NASA was founded.  Another blurb from an also unnamed book by Gary Cartwright mentions, without context, Albert Einstein, Werher von Braun, Lyndon Johnson, Fidel Castro, Karl Marx, and Mao Zedong.  I'm pretty sure that neither Castro, Marx, or Mao worked for NASA.  I don't think he has any idea what he's even trying to insinuate here.

Now the blurb from the Parsons book is talking about "satanic-influenced mind-control experiment, supposedly run by the federal government" and then continues listing the names starting with Einstein.  Now he's reading a quote about "not understanding oneness is satanic" and then there's an ellipses meaning text has been skipped over, and von Braun's name.  He doesn't like evolution either and found another blurb mention evolution and von Braun.  But all these blurbs say is that the same book discusses Crowley and NASA, or evolution and von Braun.

"They're laughing at you guys" - actually he's right here, he's hilarious.

NASA, he claims comes from a word "nasatan".  Once again there's a small blurb from some book, but not an entire quote, so I have no idea what this word is or even in what language.  And NASA means "to deceive" in Hebrew (no, it does not, he didn't prepare, but I already blogged about it).  And the red part of the NASA logo looks like a snake's tongue.  What research skilz!  Repeating something every other flerf says.

Now he discusses "how many astronauts are masons"  And it's another of those book blurbs.  Which lists eight.  Googling how many people have been in space, one finds numbers in the 500's or 600's.  But it's worse, Lewis and Clark were masons!   A photo of masonic emblems is I suppose intended to be scary as he reads a few more astronauts' names.  Most of the Apollo astronauts were masons (no evidence of this presented).

There's an Orange Lodge where he lives, and the word orange, when you "put it through a numerical calculator" (he means some sort of Gematria) has a value of 33. It's the only color in the world that does that! And there are 33 degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry!  And one third of the angels fell from heaven with Lucifer!  Jesus died at age 33!

Buzz Aldrin took a Masonic flat to the Moon!  And brought it back.  Except he didn't go!  Norman, coordinate!

Most famous people were masons.  Area 51 - voice trails off.  The (unnamed) head of NASA was "knocking around with Aleister Crowley".  All famous songs are satanic. Masons are charitable because Satan gives them lots of money!  He's getting bored.  But he's still droning on.  Freemasons freemasons freemasons.  Charles Darwin was one.  He wrote that people evolved from rock.  His grandfather was, too.  And half-wrote a book for him, all he had to do was go to the Galapagos Islands and look at some finches.

He doesn't watch TV, but he hears there's a series about Leonardo (da Vinchi) who was another one and "just propped up as this genius".  And another Google search blurb says he was a freemason. 

Now that we've established that all astronauts are masons (by finding partial quotes from books that say that some were, without seeing their evidence)  And that masons are luciferians (with a quote from a paranoid website), if you disagree, please argue with him in the comments (all I see is one "really enjoy this" more comments from Craig McNeil from the FTFE channel on YouTube trying to set up a debate with him).  He can keep going all day and there's another half hour of this.

French people are all masons.  It all comes from there.  And Scotland.  The Jesuits are behind it.  Please do not forget this.

Now he's going to show some clips where NASA admits they cannot leave low Earth orbit.  But first, he's sorry that took so long.  But he's going to repeat some of it again, after which it's going to become interesting.  But not quite yet, he's going to compliment you for a while for watching this far.  And tell you again that NASA lies, quod erat assertum.  And rant a bit against theoretical physics, which means it isn't real.  

Maybe we're getting near those clips, there's a diagram that correctly shows you that Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is indeed low.  What a surprise!  It shows the height of Yuri Gagarin's, Alan Shepard's and John Glenn's flights and the International Space Station (ISS) and Hubble Space Telescope.  And the Moon is much further away (right again).  So it looks like he's going to show some clips saying we currently have no spaceships for leaving LEO, therefore we never did, and never went to the Moon.  But he's not going to tell us where to find these videos.  Well no need, I'm sure everything on YouTube is as reliable as every book from which Google search can provide excerpts.

Well the first, from flat earth channel ODD TV, says, in that annoying slow playback that NASA has admitted that we can't go beyond LEO.  Someone on the ISS says "right now we can only fly in earth orbit" (slow replay).  Again, that doesn't mean we weren't able to during Apollo. This goes on for a while.  It's just one repeated lie.

And the Buzz Aldrin cherry-pick.  Aldrin was asked why we didn't go back to the Moon, and he's clearly explaining that we did go, but haven't been back. It's a longer excerpt than usual, so there are some new cherry-picks.  He says that before Apollo, we hadn't sent people to the Moon.  This is replayed in slow motion to give the impression that he's saying we never sent people to the Moon.  Until today I had never watched this steaming pile of shit, but that is no longer true.  Aldrin goes on to correctly describe how earlier Apollo missions first went around the Moon, and then practiced landing (Apollo 10 descended from lunar orbit but did not go all the way to the surface before returning to orbit).  For no discernable reason "practice everything but landing" is repeated in slo-mo.  And then Apollo 11 made an attempt (repeated in slo-mo) to land.  And we did.  

Maybe repeat that in slo-mo?  Instead, a picutre of Aldrin making the "OK" sign over his eye.  I think that this is supposed to be something masonic but he spares us that.

So if they haven't been to the Moon ...  This is another standard flerf tactic, assume the result you want, and then make up reasons why "they" are lying about it.  Oh, the "hide God" nonsense.  Aldrin took Communion on the Moon.  The read from Genesis on Apollo 8.  If they're trying to hide God, they're really doing a terrible job of it.

But not everyone is in on the scam.  The people making the parts are really doing that.  Only the 33rd degree folks know this is cartoons for adults.  Disney animators don't know, either (what they don't recognize their own work on TV?)

35 minutes in, he starts part three, where he's going to make the usual flerf lie that there are no real photos from space.  And, this is another standard flerf tactic, ask why there isn't evidence, in this case a real-time video from launch to high enough orbit to show the whole globe.  Which of course he would also reject as false.

And he then wants to zoom in on Australia and see people upside down.  Has no idea what cameras are able to see at what distance.  Maybe he'd also like NASA to read the license plate on his car and tell him where he left it.  

NASA admits there are no real photos from space, says they have to be photoshopped.  As "evidence" he shows yet another unsourced video about the 2002 "Blue Marble 2.0" image which is indeed a composite.  And the video explains why this one image had to be photoshopped.  But if something is called 2.0, there was probably a 1.0, and in this case that's the 1972 Blue Marble.  And then there's the 1968 Earthrise, both of which were taken on film, using a camera.

He then takes a photo of a salt lamp, masks out all but a circle, and claims it looks like a planet.

But what about satellites?  In September 2021 there were 4,550 satellites.  Well, a screenshot is evidence, right?  But he did by some chance land on something not made up by a fellow wongle, here.  And he posts this.

Here's a map of Starbucks locations in Manhattan.  Is much of the island covered completely with Starbucks?  No, if the coffee shops were to scale, they would be hard to spot, on an island that is 13 miles wide at most.  Same goes for satellites around a 7,917.5 mile planet.

Why don't they crash into one another, he asks?  Why don't all those Starbucks merge into one giant one, with an exceedingly long line to get your coffee, but enough tables for everyone in the Tri-State area?

And 99% of the internet travels between continents via underwater cable.  But did anyone tell him that all those satellites are for satellite internet?  (What Is a Straw Man Argument?)

Satellites are not in space, they're on high altitude balloons.  But I thought we could get into LEO?  And then he says that some are in LEO, but only for the military (as usual, no evidence, not even a screenshot).  And now, after saying there are some in space, he says there aren't any. There are no real pictures of satellites on the internet (he's lying).  All satellite dishes point to the east (proof - one photo).  Well it could be to the west, too.  But never up.

NASA's livestream (I suppose from the ISS) is both made in a studio, but also never shows satellites.  Well then why can't they bring a model of a satellite into the studio?   And he lost the video, but he says he saw a hand adjust a lens from outside the ISS, and since he's presented no evidence up to now, why should he suddenly start?  And there are bees in space (bits of debris, that don't look like bees at all).  The internet has pulled all this down, well isn't that convenient?  You won't find these videos (but somehow his video of these supposed bees is still there).  There are bubbles in space (Eric Dubay lie #163).  Astronauts are on harnesses, which he talks about while not showing you.  Things disappear (because videos are shortened or frames get dropped)

Rockets don't go straight up, they are going into the ocean (no).  The Red Hot Chili Peppers sung that the Moon landings were faked in a Hollywood studio (the actual lyric is “Space may be the final frontier but it’s made in a Hollywood basement” which isn't terrible from memory but can't he look shit up before lying about it?)  And they're Satanists.  And why are they telling you what you think is the truth?  Because "it's part of their decree to tell the people what they're actually doing" (huh?)

Conclusion: this is all the usual flerf lies, misunderstandings, cherry-picking, and paranoia.  He's discovered not one thing himself, every bit of this has been posted by other flerfs, some of which got enough views to make money, unlike him.  And he thinks he's done research.