Thursday, May 04, 2023

Intercepted fishing boat has nothing to do with Antarctica

Flat-earthers like to use excerpts from this video, from a fishing channel, as "proof" that ships that approach Antarctica will be turned back.

The video begins with the location

Google Maps confirms that this latitude and longitude is indeed in the Bass Strait, located between the Australian mainland and Tasmania, Antarctica is about 3,000 km away.  In the video, the warship radios the fishing boat that they need to avoid a maritime exclusion area, nothing about Antarctica for which the crew isn't dressed, even if it's possible for so small a vessel to make the journey. 

One FE film that includes an excerpt of this clip is The Next Level, starting at 13:47 in the copy that I found on Facebook (I'm including a link, but I don't know if it's going to stay there).  It's also in Ewaranon's What on Earth Happened (Original Series), part 2, Of Maps and Magicians at 18:50 - link.

Here's a video by MC Toon that includes quite a number of flat-earthers lying about the Antarctica Treaty, it also covers the fishing boat at 13:25.

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