Saturday, September 25, 2021

Fisking the anti-semetic "The Kenite Files Episode 101: Who Are The Sons Of Cain?"

A flat-earther (or perhaps a bible-thumper who took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and wound up in a group where flerfs post their nonsense and are mocked for it) posted this gem at me, by a user who goes by MARK13RECORDS.

It starts with an entry from Strong's Concordance, a serious work of Biblical scholarship, most often seen online with flerfs lying about what NASA means in Hebrew (short version, they confused H5375 with H5377, NASA isn't spelled like either of those words in Hebrew but is נאסא, but if it was Hebrew, ignoring how it's spelled, it would mean "to lift up" or "to travel").  This time we're dealing with H7017, Kenite (well that's at least the correct entry in Strong's) which is the name of a tribe in the Bible, and if you click on the previous link you'll see all the times it appears in the Bible).which Strong seems to be saying is the same *name* as Cain, the archetypical murderer in Genesis, or maybe that the founder of the tribe had the same name.  It seems rather unlikely that a tribe that was around at the time of Moses would be descended from the original Cain, only Noah and his family survived the Flood, and they were dependents of Seth, not Cain.

Well there's a Jewish source identifying Noah's wife with Naama (at 22:00 or so he mangles that as Nāyama), the sister of Tubal-Cain, and a descendent of the original Cain, but tribal identity is patrilineal.  Also, if Noah's wife was a descendent of Cain, and one takes Genesis literally, not just the Kenites, but all of humanity is descended from her.  Of course if one does not understand Genesis to be historical, none of this matters.

The sons of Cain, the video says, without a source, carry out the negative parts of God's plan, and in direct contradiction to Genesis 4:1, claims Satan, not Adam, was Cain's father.  Always nice when a bible-thumper lies about what their favorite book says.

And he lies again, when he claims that in John 8:44 Jesus said to the Kenites "ye are of your father the devil".  Here, read the whole chapter and find the word Cain or Kenite.  

Now he tries to prove that Satan is Cain's father.  He identifies Satan with the serpent of Genesis, let's give him that one.  So in Genesis 3, the serpent convinces Eve to eat the forbidden fruit (not identified as an apple, by the way).  As part of their discussion, she says that God commanded not to touch the tree (not true, but we don't know if that's her mistake, or what Adam told her) and String H5060 says that this is a euphemism for sex.  Well, that probably works in any human language.  And most of times the word appears (again, full list at the link) it means simple touch.  But still, no one had sex with the tree.  Although Rule 34.  And the old dirty joke about the minor who was told to practice with a tree.  

Hold on, somehow Satan is not just the serpent, but also the tree.   There's a quote from 2 Corinthians 11 about Satan beguiled/seduced Eve to eat the not-an-apple, but he thinks that means he had sex with her.  I'm sure there's Groot porn but I will not look for it.   He does notice that Adam also ate, but somehow spares us Satan and Adam sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. 

I'm skipping a bunch of verses that don't have anything to do with the paternity of Groot Jr, but he's got something against new biblical translations.  Well why doesn't he just learn Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and read it all in the original?  There aren't many Kenites these days but they use technology to corrupt people, which is why I suppose this guy made a YouTube video.  And somehow counting the seals in Revelation has something to do with pebbles (huh?) and counting (is this another Strong's ref?  he didn't give a number) has to do with stones, maybe the stones are being used to keep track of the count, and 666 is a number, so the stones are the Kenites, the offspring of Cain.  Got that?  I didn't.

Satan, he says, is called the king of Tyrus in Ezekial 28, but even in his favorite King James Bible, that's the actual ruler of the city of Tyre whose name does actually mean "rock".

Well he does get to Genesis 4, and actually quotes it.  It says, in the KJV, that Adam knew his wife, she conceiver, and bore Cain.  So he thinks the Bible is lying here, Cain was already conceived in the previous chapter?  He goes on lying that the explanation of Cain's name, " I have gotten a man from the Lord" but the text on his screen has the word "against" in place of "from".  In a different font, conveniently.  He says this is from the Hebrew, but that's another lie.  What it says in Hebrew is "I have acquired a man את the Lord".  The Hebrew word את generally means nothing at all, it's just used before a definite article, for example, were I to say in Hebrew, I fisked this video, I would put את before the word meaning "the video" (in Hebrew, the definite article is a prefix, not a separate word).  It can also mean "with", and that is how his inerrant, except when he thinks he knows better, KJV translated it.  I suppose I'd have to invent a Hebrew verb for fisking, it's got the right number of consonants, but which conjugation-form to use?  It also does have a lot of other meanings, we'll get to it later on when he gives its Strong's number.

There's a slide here about heteropaternal superfecundation, which is when twins have different fathers.  It's the only explanation of what happened here, he asserts without evidence.  The Bible doesn't even say Cain and Abel were twins.  It does use the word "twins" about other pairs, Jacob and Esau, and Peretz and Zerach.  

So after Cain slays Abel, he becomes a wanderer and vagabond and the mark of Cain and the mark of the Beast are somehow the same. And the first thing Cain did was build a city, so cities are bad.  Some hilarious attempts to read how Cain's descendants names are transliterated follows at around 19 minutes in.  Despite that city,, they're still vagabonds (all it says is that one of them, Jabal, that's how the KJV translates it) was a cattle-raiser  who lived in a tent. But cities are bad?  And leaving them to raise sheep is also bad?  "Cattle" is what the Kenites call the "so-called gentiles".  I know (and don't use) a number of pejorative terms in Hebrew and Yiddish for people who aren't Jewish, none of them mean "cattle".  Oh, he knows one of them, too, at 20:20.  But it doesn't mean cattle.  The actual tribes of Israel, he says, think the Kenites are God's chosen people.

I wonder who he could possibly mean ....  Oh, just in case it wasn't obvious he quotes Rev 3:9 about the "synagoge of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not".  But he doesn't preach hatred of Jews, just count those stones (still not getting that reference).

After some more fulminating about Lamech being another murderer, h's back to the slide with the spurious word "against" pasted in  Now he's trying to support this lie with a slide giving various things the Hebrew word את can mean, let's see if it's Strong, again.  Yep, H854.  So out of 809 occurrences, it means against 36 times.  And this isn't one of them.  If the KJV translators thought it did in Gen 4, they would have translated it that way. 

So, pulled straight from his ass, "the scribes and Pharisees" that Jesus opposed are the Kenites.  Still no explanation of how they survived the Flood.   Also the one-world government, the Illuminati.  Wait, are human-serpent people lizard people?  The horn of the he-goat is the United Nations.   But there's more, the lion in Daniel is the Christian nations, the bear is the Communistic (sic) and Islamic ones, the leopard is the Kenites.

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